Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10

delta 9 thc vs delta 8 thc

Delta 8 VS 9 VS 10

What is the difference between Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10 THC CBD Oil and Edibles?  Delta 8 vs Delta 9 vs Delta 10 THC all come from the same cannabis hemp plant. It's their extractions that make the difference between all the various Delta THC CBD varieties. The Delta CBD extracts are the more psychoactive spectrum of CBD Hemp Oil, whether in CBD Oil, CBD Edibles (like CBD Gummies, CBD Chocolates, CBD Cookies or CBD Beverages.) 

One of the fastest ways to understand the difference between delta-8, delta-9, and delta-10 THC or CBD is to think of the effects they have on your mind and body. Look at the below chart that shows the effects of Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10 varieties:


Delta 9 THC vs Delta 8 THC

Delta 9 THC vs Delta 8 THC vs Delta 10 THC can be either more relaxing or more stimulating or in between. Here are the main effects of Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10:

  • Delta-8 THC is the least psychoactive of the three. It is a much milder form of delta-9 and likened to an indica THC in terms of its effects on your mind and body. It appears that delta-8 has less of a sedative effect, and less noticeable psychoactive effects, than delta-9 or deltal-10 THC.
  • Delta-9 THC has the most intense psychoactive effects, specifically on an your thought process, perception, memory, and experiences of pleasure. With delta-9 THC, you can expect the effects of the “high” commonly associated with smoking marijuana.
  • Delta-10 THC is less intense than Delta 8 THC or Delta 9 THC, and can be compared to a sativa regarding its effects on your mind and body. If you want to experiment with the delta forms of CBD (also referred to as THC because they are psychoactive) then start with Delta 10 CBD or Delta 8 CBD (THC.)

Most people like to use delta-8 for nighttime use, whereas delta-10 is more popular for daytime because it is more stimulating. Kind of the way CBN Oil (an extracts of CBD oil) is used for insomnia relief. And CBG Oil (an extract of CBD Oil) is used for daytime use, to give a focused yet calm energetic effect on your brain and body. So whether you choose Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10 you will get immediate health benefits in a calm and controlled way.


delta 8 vs 9 vs 10


Effects of Delta 9 THC vs Delta 8 THC and Delta 10 THC

delta 8 9 10
Delta THC


Delta 8 vs Delta 9



delta 8 gummies


Delta 8 THC

Here are the Delta 8 vs 9 vs 10 effects individualized for Delta 8 THC. While delta-9 is out partying and taking delta-10 along for the ride, delta-8 is the one who’s hanging back to enjoy a chilled-out night at home. That's why it's the most common and the one I personally use most. All forms of Delta CBD or Delta THC oil or gummies will help you calm and relax your mind and body. The only difference is the deepness of the effect you need at the time. I love the Ultra Strong Delta 8 THC gummies (pictured above) because it takes off the edge in about 10 minutes.


Delta 8 THC is the most used of all the forms of Delta CBD Oils and Gummies. They take the edge off but you can still function as normal. If you want the most clarity then opt for Delta 10 THC Oil or Gummies (shown at the bottom of this page.) When it comes to health and relaxation or pain relief effects, delta-8 leans more towards the Indica/CBD side of the spectrum.


delta 9 thc gummies



Delta 10 Gummies


Delta 10 THC

Cannabiva CBD Oil

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