CBC Cannabinoid

CBCa Cannabinoid

CBC Cannabinoid

CBC Cannabinoid Oil is made from and extract of the hemp plant called Cannabichromene. CBC oil and capsules (CBC Pills) are a non-psychoactive, legal cannabinoid present in the hemp and cannabis sativa genome of plants. CBC is frequently used to make CBC tincture oils and CBC capsules for those that don't like the hempy taste of CBD products. CBC is one of the newer isolated CBD's and is associated with pain relief effects, improved mood and mental health as well as neurogenesis or brain cell and nerve growth.

Raw CBC has so many other critical health benefits as well. It is non-psychoactive, non-drowsy (unlike CBD oil) and is highly anti-inflammatory (Cox-2 Pain Relief.) It is the best form of CBD for gut health (IBS, IBD, Diarrhea, Crohn's, Celiac's and Ulcerative Colitis. CBC is highly alkaline and good for those dealing with cancer. It has excellent non-drowsy anti-inflammatory pain relief benefits that work quickly.


what is cbc


What is CBC Cannabinoid

What is CBC Cannabinoid? CBCa is a precursor of CBD called Cannabichromene. It is one of many cannabinoid compounds produced by the cannabis sativa or hemp plant. CBCA is a “raw” cannabinoid that only gets converted to CBD when exposed to heat and light. It along with CBDA are indispensable for immune system protection, cancer and chronic inflammation.


CBCA by itself does't have the same action as CBDA for immunity as it's not yet converted to this potent CBD metabolite. It is the CBDA extract that is indispensable for immune system boosting and particularly against the spike proteins founds in covid-19. CBC is the best for gastro-intestinal issues, pain relief and natural cancer relief.


cbc oil


CBC Cannabinoid Effects

CBC Cannabinoid Effects are the master cannabinoid and most active form of CBD. It doesn't leave you feeling drowsy so you can take it day or night, daytime preferred unless mixed with CBD (1:1) ratio to offset the alertness of CBC oil.

CBC for Inflammation. CBC is a known anti-inflammatory agent and shows powerful synergy when combined with THC and other endocannabinoids – another example of the entourage effect. Interestingly, research indicates that much of CBC’s anti-inflammatory action is specific to the gut, and potentially related to its effect on diarrhea.


I personally take the CBC with CBD (1:1 ratio as shown at the bottom of this page) before and after workouts because it helps me focus and be pain free. It is the only alkaline based CBD as it has the acids removed unlike CBD oils. It also helps you feel great and calms nerves and gives you a gentle yet noticeable lift!





What are the differences between CBD vs CBCIt works differently than regular CBD isolate or full spectrum CBD Oil because CBC is the “mother cannabinoid” and is in its most active state. It is more potent than CBD for glaucoma, immunity, bowel disorders like (IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Celiac's and Ulcerative Colitis.) Both CBD and CBC oil can be isolates or full-spectrum oils. I recommend the full-spectrum because the natural terpenes in full spectrum allow it to unlock more receptors in your body so you get more benefit.


You can get CBC in Capsules or Tinctures (just like your standard organic CBD oils. It is healing and relaxing to your mind and body and is safe for long-term use for most people (including young ones and even your pets. see Best CBD Oil for Dogs for more information on how to use CBD oil to help your dogs, cats, horses and other pets recover from illness or even cancers.


benefits of CBC oil


CBC Cannabinoid Benefits

What are the CBC Cannabinoid Benefits? There is a huge number of health benefits of Organic RAW CBC Oil that makes it uniquely powerful for immune protection and cancer. It greatly improves your quality and quantity of life. Here are the most common CBC health benefits and uses:

  • Anti-Cancer (Helps prevent malignant cancers and shrink tumors, particularly colon cancer as CBC is so good at healing intestinal issues)
  • Anti-Inflammatory (Powerful Cox-2 anti inflammatory pain relief)
  • Anti-Anxiety (Helps relieve stress feelings to keep you calm yet alert)
  • Bladder Control (Research conducted in 2015 found that among the major cannabinoids CBC was the most effective at reducing bladder contractions and alleviating the symptoms of an overactive bladder.)
  • Bone Density and Health (CBC and CBD have been shown to be effective in promoting bone growth, healing fractures, and strengthening connective tissues. It is currently being considered as a natural treatment for osteoporosis, including bone marrow and stem cells)
  • Depression (Helps elevate your mood, as this is the active and energetic form of CBD.)
  • Epilepsy and Seizures (CBC is very helpful along with CBDA and CBD in helping reduce the severity and threshold of epileptic seizures.)
  • Gut Healing (Helps all gut issues and intestinal problems like IBS, IBD, Crohn's Disease, Celiac's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis to name a few)
  • Nausea and Stomach Problems (Stops nausea feeling and heals ulcers and perforations in your GI tract)
  • Neurological Issues (Brain and Nerve health cannabinoid. Helps with Alzheimer's, Dementia, Epilepsy, Huntington's, Nervousness, Parkinson's)
  • Non-Drowsy Formula (CBD and CBN can make you drowsy, whereas CBC gives you clean energy and is invigorating!)
  • IBD and IBS (Powerful GI system healing)
  • Pain Relief (Works well for muscle and joint pain relief. #1 for headaches as it is the best remedy for hangover. Great for all pain types including multiple sclerosis and cancer. It has been shown to be even more effective as a pain reliever than THC.)

There are so many natural healing and health benefits of using organic raw CBCA formulas. It's  the #1 natural supplement for human (and pet) health, and it's legal in 50 states!


CBC for Seizures


CBC for Mental Clarity

CBC for Mental Clarity. CBD is know to be a natural calmer and balancer of your nervous system. It is even better when combined with organic CBC oil or capsules. It can help all brain and nervous system issues where there is overactivity that causes seizures, shaking or excess nerve firing. It can help Alzheimer's, Dementia, Epilepsy, Huntington's, Parkinson's and other neuro-degenerative conditions.


CBD + CBC oil can help prevent the onset of seizures as well as higher the threshold so it takes more for a seizure episode to occur. It can also help reduce the duration of epileptic seizures. It may be used with epileptic prescriptions medicines (check with your doctor first) and a dropperful under your tongue preventatively or when you get the aura of an incoming seizure. 


cbc for epileptic seizures


CBC Capsules

CBD + CBC Capsules. CBD is well known for it's ability to prevent the duration and severity of convulsions. What is the best CBD for epilepsy and seizures? CBC is an extract of CBD and has unique abilities on relaxing your nerve impulses. CBC + CBD Capsules (pictured above) is a more powerful natural anti-epileptic, anti-seizure, that also is particularly potent agianst cancers, neuron calming and pain relief. In fact The manufacturer of the CBD-derived epilepsy drug Epidiolex has also patented the use of CBDA for epilepsy.


As with CBD for depression, the pharmaceutical firm seems to believe that CBC plus CBD may work for epilepsy at lower doses than CBD alone. They’re also investigating whether the two might work best when used together, as CBC Cannabinoid may take effect faster while CBD provides longer-lasting effects.


organic cbc oil and capsules


CBC Extract

CBC Extract is just coming out because of the new research showing how potent it is for immune system protection as well cancer, any inflammatory condition, stomach problems and anxiety/depression, It really works well for those issues in particular. They come in CBC tinctures (CBD Oil) or CBC Cannabinoid capsules.


The NuLeaf CBC Oil and Capsules (pictured above) are the ones I am using right now and are of the highest quality. They are full-spectrum, raw and organic and ultra pure. I just put a couple capsules in a mini ziploc bag and have them on hand. I sometimes have to “cough them up” to my friends, family and people who need them asap, so that's why I always have some with me as it can save their lives (as well as mine.)


best cbc oil


CBC Cannabinoid for Sale

You can get the best CBC Cannabinoid for Sale online here at the best price. You can get any of the best CBC products here, whether CBC Oil or CBC Capsules as shown above. If you want the best CBC Tincture then you need to try the Restore CBD + CBC Oil (pictured above.) It is potent and can be used day or night!


It's one of those natural herbal supplements that you should have on you at all times. You can use it in place of any other CBD Cannabinoid oil as well. Organic CBC Cannabinoid oil also works really well for pain relief and to really relax you when you need it most. CBD + CBC oil is highly recommended! 

Cannabiva CBD Oil

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